
Two Finger Right Click Not Working in Windows 11/10

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Windows xi/10 inverse the touch on era of Desktop operating systems and it uses Synaptics as the default touchpad. The same touchpad has continued to work in updates besides i.e. Windows 11/ten/8.1.

If you lot're using a affect disabled or non-impact laptop, then there are no bug for you lot; whether the Synaptics touchpad work or not. But when you're using a touch device such as a tablet or touch-enabled laptop, and so incorrect settings for Synaptics touchpad may preclude you from using your operating organization correctly, and you may detect that your two-finger right-click is not working on Windows 11/10.

Recently, we came around an upshot with touch devices, that the two-finger right-click didn't work perfectly on them. For some scenarios, it could be a hardware consequence. Just in about cases, incorrect registry entries for default Synaptics touchpad is behind this problem. If you too are facing this issue, then please endeavour kickoff to update your touchpad drivers from the device manufacturer's website. If that doesn't help, so follow this tutorial:

Two Finger Right Click Not Working in Windows

1. Printing Windows Key + R combination, type put regedit in Run dialog box and hit Enter to open the Registry Editor.

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2. Navigate hither:


two finger right click not working

3. In the right pane of this location as shown in the higher up window, make sure the configuration data contains the post-obit values. If whatever DWORD (REG_DWORD) or registry string (REG_SZ) non containing the below-mentioned value, you can double click on aforementioned to modify its Value information.

  • 2FingerTapAction2 for making correct click work, 4 for heart click
  • 2FingerTapPluginID – Clear existing value, this should be empty
  • 3FingerTapPluginID – Clear existing value, this should exist empty
  • MultiFingerTapFlags – Change the value from 2 to three
  • 3FingerTapAction4
  • 3FingerTapPluginActionID0

Subsequently making sure that every value is correct, you can close the Registry Editor and reboot the machine to get brand changes effective.

Hope this helps!

An Electric Engineer by profession, Kapil is a Microsoft MVP and a Microsoft Content Creator. Delight read the entire post & the comments first & create a arrangement restore bespeak before making any changes to your system.


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